Armco’s Open Hearth furnace began their production record on Feb. 17, 1917, when Frank Shimek, first helping under “Red” Cunningham, tapped Number 2 furnace. Tuesday night, if things go as scheduled, the last heat will tap. In the 52 years between, 30,000,000 tons of steel have come out of the eight masonry containers which comprise […]
George’s Articles
- D-Day December 7, 2001
- Powers Named Library Director April 12, 1996
- AJC Born in the Depression October 30, 1992
- In Case of Fire, Fire Department Marks 100 years February 3, 1985
- It’s News as Usual for Award-Winning Grayson Radio Man September 20, 1984
- Floyd Bus Tragedy Came 25 Years Ago February 27, 1983
- Steele’s Lunch Counter—An Institution April 23, 1980
- Grayson Honors Carol Malone with Day, Her Own Street August 5, 1978
- State’s Poet Laureate Man of Land July 4, 1976
- Doran Still Tall in Camelot Saddle April 11, 1976
- Armco Open Hearth Shuts Down Tuesday September 28, 1969
- President Johnson Sees Poverty in Appalachia April 25, 1964
- Ashland Oil Rivermen and Beautiful Trail October 4, 1959